Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blizzard Dec. 19-20, 2009 w/ 18" of Snow!

18" plus accumulation! With blowing and drifting blizzard conditions starting at 9pm on Saturday 12/19/2009 and ending at noon on Sunday 12/20/2009. Wind gusts close to 50 mph!

They brought in earth moving equipment as the plows were not getting through. I live next to a large open field, so it drifted across the road to probably 3' deep!
My house from the street after 3.5 hours digging out!
The city plows were stuck in front of my house until the earth moving equipment showed up!

This shows how deep the snow is by my garage. Close to 6' after digging out the driveway!

Here is the snow piled up at my back door when I opened it this AM to go get the paper.

1 comment:

  1. Dear "Tim the toolman" Leakas,
    I had no idea you were such a carpenter! I am very impressed with everything you've done so far, but moreover, thrilled that you found such a neat house and everything is working out for you in Newport! Thanks for the email with the information. I will try your suggestions and let you know if I'm successful. WOW, what a snowstorm!! - and here I was whinning because it's cloudy and 50 here today!! Think after you return that dry wall lifter, you should have gotten a snow blower! Take care and thank again for emailing me with everything else you are so busy doing! - j
    PS I'm one of your followers!
